Independent candidate calls for rent reduction

In light of the recent harsh budget Kilkenny Local Authorities must now reduce rents according to Frank Kavanagh, independent candidate in the Local Elections.

Mr Kavanagh said that when the interest cuts take place these cuts are passed on to affordable home owners and this is good.

However he believes that the council now needs to reduce the rent for the less well off also.

“It is a well-known fact that families are struggling to make ends meet and I am told Kilkenny is one of the places that has the highest rents in the country. We must think of our citizens if we are to hold our heads proud in this special 400 year celebration.

“We must also look after our young couples who need houses. It is a crying shame that we have a lot of good houses boarded up in our estates, in fact it is nothing short of a scandal and an insult to the local residents of the areas affected.

“Kilkenny is a wonderful place to live but we need to keep it that way. We also need to ensure that there are regular Garda patrols in our housing estates. We are reliant on the Gardai to police our county so that we have a peaceful life but they need to be seen in our estates - not out dealing with parking fines. The real issues are what our citizens want and if elected I will deal with real issues,” Mr Kavanagh pledged.


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