There are still a limited number of tickets available for Kilkenny Musical Society’s production of Fiddler on the Roof which is running all week at the Watergate Theatre in Kilkenny.
The show has the cream of Kilkenny talent treading the boards this year and if you are a fan of some of the lovely music and songs from this show - it is a must-see.
Stars of the show include Matthew Barry who plays the leading role Tevye - father of five daughters who are to be married off to appropriate husbands when the time is right.
This apparently is Matthew’s first time on stage and if so - where has he been hiding?! He has enormous natural talent and takes on the role of a Russian patriarch with gusto. His wife Golde (Roisin Egenton ) is over worked and obsessed with marrying off her daughters to rich suitors as soon as they come of age, however her feisty daughters all have different ideas and it is from here the story unfolds.
The five daughters are played expertly by Amy Dunne (Tzeitel ), Emma Shore (Hodel ), Laura Fitzgerald, (Chava ), Sarah Heffernan (Shprintze ) and Ciara Delaney (Beilke ). Their vocals throughout the performance are to complimented as are those of all of the cast members.
Kilkenny Musical Society is top heavy with competent singers and each of them shine during this musical which is renowned for its popular music and songs.
The villagers (dancers and chorus ) are a large group of movers and shakers and add great colour and volume to the production of the show which is being directed by David Heffernan. Patrick Clancy is the musical director while Marie Cashin is choreographing the show.
Get the last remaining tickets for the last two shows at the box office on 056 7761674.