Young families need primary care facilities

The lack of health centres on the west and northern environs of the city is fast becoming a pressing issue especially for a large number of young residents.

As Kilkenny city is constantly expanding Fine Gael Borough Council candidate David FitzGerald feels more must be done to help young families in the estates on the suburbs of the city.

Speaking about the issue Mr FitzGerald said: “Primary care centres for the Loughboy and Lintown areas of the city are vital. These areas have a high concentration of young families that are in need of a primary care facility in close proximity to their homes.”

He drew attention to the re-location of the Dean Street Clinic to the Granges Road as a great asset to the west of the city and a welcome resource for the numerous families benefitting from its location.

Mr FitzGerald is calling on the HSE to fast track the provision of primary care centre for the Loughboy and Lintown areas.

“A primary care facility serving the ill is much needed. Pairc na Gabhann, Patrick’s Gate and Clongowen are to name a few of the estates where many young families are poorly served by a lack of medical facilities,” Fitzgerald points out. “The many schools in the Loughboy area make the locality attractive for young families but the community is sorely lacking the appropriate facilities.”

“A non-acute hospital service would improve the quality of life for the residents of the areas immensely. A treatment centre that encompasses a GP surgery, integrated dietician clinic, counselling services and a drug treatment centre would be invaluable to the communities.”

Mr FitzGerald concluded, “If we are serious about providing a first class medical service we must ensure it is available to all families no matter what their circumstances,” he concluded.


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