Lay-by on rural roads- Connery

Cllr Catherine Connery proposed a motion at the recent Ballyragget electoral area council meeting, calling on Kilkenny County Council to provide "passing bays", where appropriate and where possible on all rural roads in north Kilkenny. The motion was proposed and agreed in light of the fact that a disproportionate number of serious traffic accidents occur on rural roads.

Measures taken to upgrade safety in rural Ireland have to be supported and welcomed, Cllr Connery said.

In addition to safety, roads such as the Maudlin to Castlecomer road and countless others, are examples of the need for passing bays where the convenience of overtaking/passing is an important issue for farmers and daily users of these roads.

Cllr Connery has urged that this issue be seriously addressed in the implementation of the five year roads plan.


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