Dear Editor,
With reference to your lead story in the March 20 issue of your paper, where Labour Councillor Marie Fitzpatrick blames this current recession for people turning to drugs and even suicide.
It’s not that long ago that I listened to an expert psychologist on the radio stating that the Celtic Tiger was to blame for the huge upsurge in people using cocaine, basically because they could afford it, so where does this leave Cllr Fitzpatrick’s theory?
Also, while she may be correct in saying the drug abuse can lead to suicide, it is not fair on devastated families who have lost loved one’s to suicide, for multiple other reasons including mental health issues, for her to insinuate that suicide is a result of drug abuse. The families left behind after suicide have to cope with a lot of unanswered questions themselves and unclear comments such as Cllr Fitzpatrick’s are unhelpful to these families trying to come to terms with their sad loss.
Cllr Fitzpatrick is an elected councillor for the last 10 years and I believe she has had more than adequate time to lobby TDs within her own party and local TDs in Kilkenny, to put in place, what she is calling for now. Too little too late, I say to Cllr Fitzpatrick.
The serious drug problems that are now the curse of every city and town in Ireland should be of concern to all of us. A treatment centre, where problem drug users and their families can turn to for help is required. It should be one of the highest priorities for those whohave the power to achieve this for Kilkenny. Problem users and their families should not be left to fend for themselves any longer.
Jimmy Leahy