Chrysalis Arts, in partnership with Kilkenny County Council, has developed a project
which will offer ‘live’ training in public art skills and working to commission. All members of Artlinks and artists born or based within the county of Kilkenny are eligible to take part.
The project has been inspired by the Woodstock estate, in Inistioge which is managed by Kilkenny County Council, and is currently undergoing restoration. This project will take place over a three/four week period this July.
Artists taking part will gain the opportunity to develop, create and install a site-specific public art project within the context of a practical and informative training programme. Six artists will be selected for the project which includes provision for a fee while training and a budget for materials and equipment costs.
Artists interested in finding out more about the project are invited to attend a free, one-day introductory seminar at Butler House, Kilkenny on Wednesday, April 22 where representatives from Chrysalis and Kilkenny County Council will provide an introduction to the aims of the project, information about the site and the potential for site-specific artwork, an outline of the project brief and the selection process.
This will be followed by a site visit to Woodstock in the afternoon.
Lunch and transport to Woodstock from Kilkenny will also be provided.
Pre-booking is essential, artists interested in booking a place for the seminar should contact Kilkenny County Council Arts office by Tuesday, April 14.
For further information contact: (056 ) 7794138 or see websites: or