New book on John Banville by NUIG scholar

John Banville, one of the major writers of contemporary Irish fiction, is the subject of a new book by NUI Galway’s Dr John Kenny.

John Banville is an accessible yet detailed study that brings to the surface many of the hidden depths of the Man-Booker Prize-winning novelist.

The book begins by establishing the intellectual and cultural contexts of Banville’s writing and its reception among readers. It then provides insights into Banville’s Irish themes, his theories of the imagination, preoccupation with morality and immorality, and his idiosyncratic devotion to a self-reflexive art.

The book touches on all of Banville’s work, from his first book, Long Lankin (1970 ) to his Man-Booker winning novel, The Sea (2005 ), and his recent popular fiction written under the pseudonym Benjamin Black.

 A native of Glenamaddy, Dr Kenny lectures in the English Department at NUIG and is director of the new BA with creative writing.


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