Do_ng th__gs by half

This week in honour of An Bord Pleanala’s wondefully Irish decision to allow us not a full bypass, but half of one we’d decided to respond to the news by printing half a reaction.

Half a _____. Brill__nt. The G__ay Cha__er w_s ri__t to des___be the de___ion as biz_are. Now, whe_e’s t_e non-city ce__re bound traff__c going to go? Stra__ht into t_e city-ce_tre. Cl__er.

O_r plan_ing sys_em allows pe_ple wit_ no stak__olding in th_s town to di__ate its fu__re. The ser_al moaners w_o’d obj_ct to anyt_ing just in case a prec__us snail mi__t be hurt have had their way, wh__e the rest of us, sadly living in the re_l wor_d are for__d to deal with the gr__ding traf_c that rots our be_tiful ci_y.

In a sta__ment rel__sed yest__day An Taisce on_e again rev__led its typi__lly silly thi__ing.

It goes along these lines: “The Gover__ent mess__d up years ba_k so _ny deve__pments p_t in pl_ce by t_at Gove__ment to alle__ate that m_ss up are also a m_ss.”

Mud__ed eh? Exa__ly w_at I t_ought.

Ano__er fa_e is “we sh__ldn’t be bu__ding new r__ds when we need to re__ce carbon emi__ons.”

Do y_u really th__k people are now not g__ng to use their c_rs? Gal_ay is on the wet__st coast of the wet_est rock in the ent_re w_rld. Y_u’d need the grea__st publ_c tra__port sy__em of all time to keep us enti__ly off the r__ds.

Su_e the oute__ypass was g__ng to to have detri__ntal effects but the pl__ners nee__d to take a utili__rian view and do wh_t’s best for the city.

Some pict_re_que are_s were going to be rui_ed, but sac_if_ce was necessary for the impro__ment of Galway.

This deci__on just cem_nts Ireland’s pla_e as the infras___ctural emba_ras_ment of the EU and Galway is n_w the infras__uctural emba_ras_ment of Ire__nd.

Find that hard to read? That’s what you get when you do things by half. Here’s a full version, unlike the bypass we’re getting.

Half a bypass. Brilliant. The Galway Chamber was right to describe the decision as bizarre. Now, where’s the non-city centre bound traffic going to go? Straight into the city-centre.

Our planning system allows people with no stakeholding in this town to dictate its future. The serial moaners who’d object to anything just in case a precious snail might be hurt have had their way, while the rest of us, sadly living in the real world are forced to deal with the grinding traffic that rots our beautiful city.

In a statement released yesterday An Taisce once again revealed its typical silly thinking.

It goes along these lines: “The Government messed up years back so any developments put in place by that Government to alleviate that mess up are also a mess.”

Muddled eh? Exactly what I thought.

Another fave is “we shouldn’t be building new roads when we need to reduce carbon emotion.”

Do you really think people are not going to use their cars now? Galway is on the wettest coast of the wettest rock in the entire world. You’d need the greatest public transport system of all time to keep us entirely off the roads.

Sure the outerbypass was going to have detrimental effects but the planners needed to take a utilitarian view and do what’s best for the city.

Some picturesque areas were going to be ruined, but sacrifice was necessary for the improvement of Galway.

This decision just cements Ireland’s place as the infrastructural embarrassment of the EU and Galway is now the infrastructural embarrassment of Ireland.


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