Suspend patient transfer to Galway, says Senator

The transfer of patients from Mayo and Sligo hospitals to Galway should be suspended. That’s according to Galway Fine Gael Senator Fidelma Healy Eames.

According to the Oranmore based senator, adequate resources are not currently in place.

She said, “Patients need to be put first and that is not happening at the moment.  I am delighted that UHG has been designated a Centre of Excellence. But just because Galway has been designated as a centre of excellence doesn't make it one. It must be properly equipped with the right expertise, the space, the beds, the technology and the safety measures to achieve that title.”

She added, “UHG Galway (the centre for the entire West and north-west ) has 108 per cent occupancy, a high incidence of MRSA with more than twice as many people lying on trolleys this year  compared with  last year. The hospital is also way over its budget and has virtually non-existent parking facilities.

“Despite all this, it is intended to bring 2,500 extra patients from Mayo and another 2,500 from Sligo from their existing safe service. This picture does not instill confidence regarding patient safety. The necessary resources  must be in place first to make what, is a perfectly good concept  for UHG, a Centre of  Excellence, a reality for the people of Galway and the north-west.”


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