Carlow parents are reminded this week that Naíonra playgroups are now taking reservations.
Carlow has two Naíonra groups for three to five year olds one based in Graiguecullen’s Leisure Centre and one in Tinteán Cois na Coille Community Centre on the Palatine Road. Both Naíonra offer morning sessions from 9:15am until 12:30pm and afternoon sessions from 1pm until 4pm. Children may attend for five days or less.
The Naíonra environment is structured to ensure that all aspects of the child’s development are catered for while affording the child the opportunity to acquire Irish naturally through the medium of play which is this particular age group’s chief method of learning. A session costs €12 per child.
For full details and registration forms for Naíonra Ghráig Uí Chuilinn contact Lorraine de Paor on 085 7377041 and for Naíonra Tinteán contact Ursula Uí Dhúill on 085 7377041.
formation also from Oifig Glór Cheatharlach on 059 9158105, 085 1340047 or email