A frightening incident for two young girls walking on the Burrin Road last Friday has spurred Carlow Gardaí to appeal for help in their investigation into the incident
Two young girls were walking on the footpath on Burrin Road on their way home when a man walking by grabbed one of the girls frightening her out of her wits.
She managed to break free and ran home with her friend to raise the alarm.
The man who is described as having a staggered walk, is five-foot-five, of stocky build and aged between 25 and 35 years-old with short brown hair.
He was said to be wearing a black jumper. Several details of the incident have been left out of public reports but Sergeant Benny Mills told Carlow First local gardaí are treating the incident seriously and they are appealing for witnesses to the incident.
They are particularly asking any young girls or females who have been approached in this way to contact them on 059 9131505.