‘Senseless’ attack on rest area outrages locals

A “senseless” attack on a holy site in Old Leighlin has outraged locals.

Cllr Michael Doran told Carlow First that residents of Old Leighlin were deeply saddened last week to see a site that they had been heavily involved in bringing to the rural village, destroyed in an attack that has rendered the site useless.

The secluded rest area adjacent to St Laserian’s well also known as Saint Molaise’s Well, the site of the annual festivities for St Molaise day was destroyed last Wednesday when vandals smashed up the granite tables and chairs. “They have been there for years. The locals were very active in getting them here and to see them destroyed…There is no motive, no reason, nobody can understand why this senseless, mindless thing has happened,” said Cllr Doran.

The granite benches and tables, part of which were erected through a Carlow Rural Social Scheme in 2007, have been used by countless visitors to the site and also by locals looking for some peace in this heady world.

The damage, substantial enough to render both tables and several carved granite seats useless, was caused by a heavy weapon, say locals and gardaí.

“You would need a very heavy instrument to break those. Granite is very tough,” said Cllr Doran.

Whoever perpetrated this attack would have been able to do so unobserved, as the site, known for its restful atmosphere and as a space to relax and reflect in while visiting the healing, holy well nearby, is not overlooked by housing or buildings.

However, gardaí are asking for the public’s help in the matter and anyone who may know anything about the attack can contact them in confidentiality on (059 ) 9131505.


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