Search Results for 'Sheila Mangan'

6 results found.

October to be a red letter month for some FFers

October was a significant date for the Soviets as the October Revolution of 1917 overthrew the Russian provisional government and eventually led to the creation of the Soviet Union in 1922.

The woes of a first time candidate

A FIRST time candidate in any election has a lot of growing up to do. You have to be a quick learner and have some street smarts. However one thing is that people can’t blame you for wrong decisions in the past. This is to your main advantage.

A case of ‘almost...but not quite’ for Fianna Fáil

“Almost...but not quite” is how Galway Fianna Fáil might sum up its team for June’s Local Elections in both the city and county, with many candidates virtually certain to be selected, others still battling for a place, and the rest in the dark as to what party HQ intends to do with them.

Fianna Fáil candidates launch ambitious vision for city

The restoration of a healthy relationship between councillors and council officials, positioning Galway as a leader in the alternative energy sector, integrating the city’s diverse communities, and completing the Galway City Outer Bypass are Fianna Fáil’s priorities for the next Galway City Council.

Galway City East: Can Labour do it?

The biggest ward in the city could prove to be the most dramatic. The battle for the final seat is likely to be a showdown betweenLabour, which needs this seat to become the largest party in City Hall, and Fianna Fáil.

Galway City East — the figures

Electorate: 18,149


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