Search Results for 'Retail Ireland'

6 results found.

Dismal start to new year for retail outlets

Retail Ireland, the IBEC group that represents the retail sector, this week said that new CSO retail sales figures highlighted a pretty dismal start to the year for Irish retailers and suggested many consumers had made purchases in November and December to avoid the January VAT hike.

No end to recession until consumers start spending again

Retail Ireland, the group that represents the Irish retail sector, this week published the results of a survey of member companies and called for measures to improve consumer confidence and domestic demand in the forthcoming Budget.

Retailers remain pessimistic on trading outlook

Retail Ireland, the group that represents the Irish retail sector, has released the results of an industry-wide survey, which found that retailers remain pessimistic about the trading outlook. Some 56 per cent of respondents rated the prospects for their business over the three months from March to May as poor or very poor, some 27 per cent rated it as average and 17 per cent rated it as good for this period.

Dublin retail sector hit harder than regional shops by Christmas slump

December 2010 stands as ‘the weakest period of trading in recent history’, according to Retail Excellence Ireland (REI). However, according to David Fitzsimons, chief executive, REI, city shops fared worse than regional traders over Christmas just past.

Retail Ireland call for dramatic rates cuts in local authorities

Retail Ireland, the IBEC group that represents the retail sector, have called on all local authorities to cut commercial rates by 20 per cent in 2011.

November cross border shopping to cause 1,700 job losses

Retail Ireland, the IBEC group that represents the Irish retail sector, has published an assessment of the jobs to be lost due to cross border shopping during November and called for remedial action in the Budget.


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