Search Results for 'Grit'

5 results found.

Cheevers criticises lack of grit funding for city estates

Fianna Fáil councillor Alan Cheevers has criticised the department of local Government for not allocating funding to grit pathways and roads in council housing estates across the city.

Galwegian grit key on journey to finals

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No matter what the results are on Sunday when Galway's intermediate and senior camogie sides bring down the final curtains on their respective championship campaigns, manager Cathal Murray will be able to look back on 2019 with great degree of pride and satisfaction.

Mayo show heart and grit to book semi-final spot

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John Healy’s No-one Shouted Stop was about the death of a Mayo town - but Mayo made sure that they didn’t shout stop on the football field on Saturday evening in MacHale Park, booking their eighth All Ireland semi-final in nine seasons with a four point win over Ulster champions Donegal.


Now I don’t know about you but I’m sick to the back teeth of all of them blatherin on, on the radio, and the internet about the state of the nation and lack of leadership. We are, allegedly, a democracy although last week the goings on were far from democratic. For years we’ve been electing leaders but in recent times the process aint workin. Hypothetically of course, might it be possible to fit the right person to the right job and in this case the most important and difficult job in the country? Think outside the box (I know, I hate that aul jargon too!). Why not advertise for the job? ‘Taoiseach wanted. Must have copious amounts of common sense. Should possess leadership qualities with a real commitment to learning and personal growth. Must be able to do sums. Preferably be creative. Experience not essential. On the job training will be provided. Salary negotiable for suitable candidate.’

Grit available in Castlebar


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