Search Results for 'Cllr McNelis'

32 results found.

‘Salthill Rejuvenation’ meeting to be held next week

Derelict buildings, and issues of parking, signage, facilities, tourism, and bus access for Salthill will be raised at a public meeting next week.

Galway named cleanest city in IBAL survey

Galway has jumped seven points to 21st place in the latest survey from the Irish Business Against Litter group securing its current status as the cleanest of Ireland’s four main cities.

McNelis calls on businesses to sponsor flowerboxes to show off floral city

Galway city businesses are being asked to sponsor flower boxes that will be in place across the city from early May to the end of October.

Councillors wants city museum open seven days a week

Talks are due to take place between the Galway City Council and the Galway Volunteer Centre about an initiative which could see the Galway City Museum open seven days a week.

McNelis warns against criminal gang targeting city smartphones

Smartphones are a major target for thiefs and the public must take care and be vigilant according to Labour city councillor Niall McNelis.

Christmas Market gets go-ahead with €20,000 use of park fee waived

Worth €15 million to the local economy Galway’s Continental Christmas Market was given due recognition for its contribution this week with city councillors giving unanimous approval to the granting of a licence to hold the event again this year as well as waiving the €20,000 fee for the use of Kennedy Park.

Life buoys recovered from river after dumping

More than 30 ring buoys that had been removed from their locations and thrown along the River Corrib and the Salthill prom, were returned to the Galway City Council this week.

Crime prevention public meeting

A public meeting on crime prevention is being organised in the Knocknacarra Community Centre on Thursday September 26 at 8pm.

Councillors approve traffic calming measures

A number of traffic calming works are to get underway throughout the city after councillors approved the plans during Galway City Council meetings this month.

McNelis asks city businesses to adopt a flower box

Adopt A Spot, a campaign to put in place an extra 100 flower boxes across the city over the summer months, is calling on city businesses for support.


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