Disqualification for dangerous driving

A Mullingar man has been disqualified from driving for two years after pleading guilty to dangerous driving.

Darren Reilly of 141 Dalton Park was on the Gainstown to Mullingar road when he overtook a vehicle two cars behind Sergeant Declan McGlynn who was in his own private car.

The sergeant said he saw a dark coloured car overtake behind him but knew there wasn’t enough space between him and the car behind him for Mr Reilly to pull in and they were coming to a right hand bend.

Sgt McGlynn had no choice but to pull into the grass verge and Mr Reilly made the bend but on the wrong side of the road.

Gardaí were contacted and Mr Reilly was apprehended at 1.25pm.

Mr Reilly was also fined €1,000.


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