More than five hundred .ie domains registered in Mayo last year

Last year 523 .ie domain names were registered in Mayo, a 12 per cent decrease on the number in 2015. The latest figures were released by IE Domain Registry (IEDR ) in its latest annual report. IEDR is responsible for maintaining Ireland's code domain name extension, the .ie you see at the end of a web address.

In total, 34,615 .ie domains were registered last year, the second highest year for new registrations since 2011. That equates to approximately 94 new .ie registrations every day in 2016. Seventy two per cent of all new registrations in 2016 were made by businesses (corporate bodies and sole traders ). A total of 221,871 .ie domains are now registered in Ireland and around the world.

David Curtin, chief executive of IEDR, said: “2016 was one of the best years for the .ie domain in the last five years. More than 90 domains were registered every day, and the majority of registrations were by Irish businesses. This indicates that many companies and sole traders understand the importance of having a website and the value of .ie’s ‘Identifiably Irish’ brand, which helps to tell the world that they’re Irish. However, the decrease in registrations in Mayo suggests problems with Ireland’s internet infrastructure and SMEs’ understanding of e-commerce, particularly in rural areas.

"The quality and availability of broadband remains an insurmountable barrier for many SMEs located outside the big cities and major towns. On a positive note, ongoing e-commerce mentoring from business associations and government is beginning to help rural SMEs’ attempts to trade online and improve their digital skills.

“Ireland’s share of the digital marketplace is worth over €9 billion and growing. The Irish internet industry, business groups and leaders, and government representatives must continue to work together to make sure that the benefits of e-commerce and the wider digital economy are enjoyed equally across the country.”


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