Brilliant trio bring A Romantic Voice to Castlebar

Soprano Sylvia O’Brien, cellist Christopher Marwood, and pianist Michael McHale come together in an unusual combination to perform A Romanic Voice at the Linenhall Arts Centre in Castlebar on Monday November 16 at 8pm. 

A Romanic Voice includes works for soprano, cello, and piano by Messiaen, Berlioz, de Falla, and André Previn, plus Fauré’s Cello Sonata in D minor Op.109 and solo piano works by Phillip Hammond and Schubert.

Equally at home in the classical and contemporary repertoire, Sylvia O’Brien has impressed audiences in opera, oratorio, and chamber music as a regular guest with the RTE NSO and Concert Orchestra as well as further afield internationally.

Part of the Vanbrugh Quartet since 1985, Christopher Marwood has collaborated with many of the world’s great artists and has enjoyed invitations to leading festivals and concert venues all over the world, as well as performing on more than 30 highly regarded recordings.

Belfast-born Michael McHale has established himself as one of the leading Irish pianists of his generation, with a busy international career as a solo recitalist, concerto soloist, and chamber musician, performing throughout Europe, Asia, and America. All together, a musical match made in heaven.

Booking for this performance is advised, to book telephone (094 ) 9023733 or online booking at


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