Hopes high in Killala for major tech investment

Killala Chamber and Development Association say they are convinced a new transatlantic fibre optic cable, landing at Killala Business Park, will attract major technology investors to the town and region.

Communication specialists AquaComms confirmed two weeks ago that the long proposed €280 million cable between New York and Killala, to boost data speeds between the US and Europe, is now getting underway and will make landfall at Killala.

“The housing of the cable at the Killala Business Park creates huge job opportunities for the area,” said a spokesperson for the Killala Chamber and Development Association this week.

“We are convinced that international investors will be attracted to the landfall location, particularly data processing, data storage and related industries.”

The association also paid tribute to the late Sean Hannick and others for the role they played in ensuring the cable project, which is being called America Europe Connect (AEConnect ), came to Mayo.

“We wish to acknowledge the tremendous contribution made by Peter Hynes, chief executive of Mayo County Council and his Enterprise and Investment Unit, An Taoiseach Enda Kenny and his expert advisors, and Sean Hannick, our former chairman and former chairman of the Council for the West, who sadly passed away recently, in bringing this immense project to fruition,” they said.

Killala Chamber and Development Association said they now intend to work on ensuring the community and business interests in the area benefit from the cable project, which they hope will provide “high class employment for our young highly educated and ambitious people”.


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