YouTube campaign launched by Martin

“Things can only get better” is the message and theme of Westport Councillor Keith Martin's bid for a seat on Mayo County Council. The Labour councillor is an avid blogger and keeps his constituents informed via regular updates on his blog and his Facebook page. In addition to these Cllr Martin has launched his own YouTube channel and his own campaign video entitled “Things can only get better”.

The 33-year-old librarian is the youngest candidate in the field for the Westport electoral area and was the first candidate to be nominated by any party back in March 2008.

Cllr Martin has a diploma in journalism and a honours degree in management and production in media and is a passionate believer in directly elected mayors for towns like Westport to replace the current town manager system.

He is also a local historian and his 5,000 word piece on the Mayo War Graves of HMS Mashona was recently published in the Cathair na Mart Historical Journal 2008/2009.

Cllr Martin is starting 2009 with his YouTube video to highlight his candidacy for a seat on Mayo County Council with a theme of hope.

According to Cllr Martin: “There is too much bad news out there. Politics is the art of the possible and it is time to start highlighting what’s possible and not what’s wrong. Labour is the only party with a clearly defined solution to our current situation. Eamon Gilmore has outlined how we can work our way out of this current mess and his message to the country is 'Yes we can'.

“My message is 'Things can only get better.’”


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