Joy at ‘miracle’ double lung transplant for Castlebar man

A young cystic fibrosis sufferer from Castlebar, who was staring death in the face last week, is recovering in hospital after a successful double lung transplant operation.

Tom Concannon (25 ) from Turlough Road, Castlebar, was losing his battle with CF, a genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system and dramatically reduces individuals’ life expectancy.

However his mother Sandra said “a miracle” occured on January 29 when a call came at 11pm announcing donor organs had been found.

An ambulance arrived within 10 minutes and Tom was rushed to the Mater Hospital, Dublin, for the double transplant operation.

“It’s a miracle, an absolute miracle,” said Ms Concannon. “Tom was losing his battle. He was on the donor list for a year but he never lost hope, he never gave up. The operation has been a success and we are getting closer and closer to going home.”

Tom recently had an uplifting encounter with GAA pundit Joe Brolly at Mayo General Hospital.

Mr Brolly has become a strong advocate for organ donation after he became a living kidney donor himself.

Brolly was so moved by Tom’s story that he is now taking part in a campaign in Mayo to raise funds for a new, dedicated, cystic fibrosis unit at Mayo General Hospital.

Sandra Concannon said Joe Brolly’s meeting with her son in December was “a great boost”.

“He was an inspiration to us on the day we met him,” she said. “He gave us great hope.”

Mr Brolly is now to lead the Challenge the Greenway cycle fundraising event on March 29.

The challenge is being organised locally by DJ Johnny Oosten in aid of CF West.

“The fundraising target for the CF unit is €1.3 million,” explained Mr Oosten. “So far, CF West has raised €1.25 million so there is €50,000 left to fundraise. We are hoping Challenge the Greenway, a 26 mile cycle, will help get it over the line.”

Mr Oosten said Joe Brolly’s support is much needed as fundraising has been more challenging following a storm of controversial revelations about salaries, bonuses, and top-ups at a number of charities.

“Things have been a little bit slower than in previous years,” said Mr Oosten. “But this is a great cause and we really need the public’s support. Tom’s story is an inspiration and shows how badly the unit at Mayo General is needed.”

For more information or to sign-up for Challenge the Greenway on March 29, visit


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