A Christmas message from Mayo Cancer Support Association

Mayo Cancer Support Association, now in its ninth year, provides emotional support and practical help for people living with cancer, their families and friends. The services available are a wig fitting service, a bra/prosthesis fitting service and weekly support groups for cancer patients. The drop-in centre offers a professional listening service, information and professional counselling, aromatherapy, massage, reflexology and stress management. All services are free of charge and are available to family members or friends.

As Chairman I would like to thank all the people who have brought this organisation to its present status and I assure all concerned that I will continue to steer the organisation in the direction of providing the highest standards of support to the people of Mayo at a critical time in their lives. To all those who have lost a loved one during the year we extend our deepest sympathy. Our thoughts are with you at this time of year.

It is my great pleasure to work with an excellent voluntary committee who in different ways have had an experience of cancer and have a genuine commitment to the service, regardless of the demands this makes on their time with fundraising, meetings and staff support.

The long-awaited extension to our premises is now complete and we expect to have the official opening in 2009. This new extension will enable us to provide a range of services in a comfortable and modern setting. It can also be used for support group meetings, classes, yoga, relaxation, etc.

As the year draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people throughout County Mayo and further afield for their support and generosity towards the work of Mayo Cancer Support Association. The people who collected money and those who gave generously of their time and finances to ensure the service could continue and develop. Our sincere thanks to the Health Service Executive, the Irish Cancer Society and the VEC and the Family Support Agency for grants received.

I would like to thank the media for their ongoing support in promoting our various events. Without your support we could not provide this very necessary service to the people of County Mayo.

Tommy Ginley


December 2008

Mayo Cancer Support Association will be closed from 12 noon on Tuesday December 23 until 9.30am on Monday January 5 2009. Mayo Cancer Support Association Ltd. Telephone 094 903 8407, fax 094 904 4877.


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