Concessions successfully achieved on Lisbon Treaty—Flynn

The Taoiseach Brian Cowen TD and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin TD have achieved a number of concessions on issues in the Lisbon Treaty that caused people in Mayo concern, according to Fianna Fáil TD Beverley Flynn.

“Six months ago, the people of Ireland voted no to the Lisbon Treaty and the Government respected that result. But while people voted against Lisbon, it was clear that this was not a vote against Europe,” Deputy Flynn said.

She added: “In fact a big majority of Irish people say that they want Ireland to be fully part of the EU. They know that Europe has been good for Ireland. Over these past six months, the Government has worked hard to understand what aspects of the Lisbon Treaty people did not agree with.”

Dep Flynn said that: “The Taoiseach and Minister Martin discussed a number of points with the other EU countries. The result is that we will now keep our Irish Commissioner and it has been reaffirmed to us that we will continue to set our own tax rates. Other EU countries have made it plain that they have no intention of interfering with Irish decisions on abortion, education and family issues.

“We also sought further assurances that our traditional policy of neutrality is safe and we got them. No one need worry about European armies or conscription.”

The important thing is that we have received the basic guarantees we need. This will keep us at the heart of Europe and aid the recovery of our economy in the coming years,” she concluded.


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