Judge orders only two dogs to be kept in Lahardane residence

The disturbance to neighbours due to dogs being bred and kept in kennels led to Judge Mary Devins making an order at Ballina District Court this week which permits only two dogs to be kept in the residence.

At a previous sitting of Ballina District Court it was heard that neighbours of Kathleen Killeen, Tubbernavine, Lahardane, were being disturbed by the noise of dogs barking in the small housing development.

Solicitor for the five complainants, Rory O’Connor, said that the noise is an “ongoing nuisance 24 hours a day” from the varying number of Alsatian dogs and puppies being kept in kennels beside the premises. The entire case was heard by Judge Mary Devins on February 11.

At this week’s court the judge said that she “is satisfied that a nuisance was caused by the dogs”. Judge Devins said she is also “satisfied that there is a distinct commercial element in the breeding of German shepherds”.

The judge made an order that no more than two dogs, including puppies, will be on the property at any time and allowed the period of six weeks (from Tuesday ) for the other dogs to be moved. The judge said the owner and occupier needs to exercise proper control over the dogs that will remain. The order will be in place for two years to begin and there was no order for costs.


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