Taoiseach welcomes approval in principle for acquisition of new Mayo VEC premises

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny has welcomed approval in principle from the Minister of Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn, for Mayo VEC to acquire a premises in Castlebar to be used for adult and further education. This will allow Mayo VEC to vacate three premises currently being rented.

Taoiseach Kenny said: “I have been informed by Minister Quinn that a letter has been issued to Mayo VEC giving approval in principle to the acquisition of a new premises for the provision of adult and further education services. Rather than currently renting three premises at separate locations in the town, this new acquisition will allow for the provision of adult and further education through Mayo VEC from a central location in Castlebar. I wish to thank Minister Quinn for his approval in principle and I commend the work of Mayo VEC in progressing this development.”


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