Huge demand for Sports Partnership services in 2011

Providing physical activity opportunities for some 15,000 people, providing information to 500 clubs/organisations, and advising 7,000 people who contacted the partnership about sports specific information were just some of the highlights of the 2011 Mayo Sports Partnership annual report.

Again as in previous years, the partnership has made significant advances and increased the number of locally delivered programmes and training opportunities. Target groups focused on during 2011 included children and young people, people with a disability, unemployed and women. The partnership is also continuing to deliver projects to increase the participation and involvement of harder to reach groups such as those living in disadvantaged communities.

Councillor Henry Kenny, chairman of Mayo Sports Partnership was loud in his praise for the level of support given to the partnership by statutory, community and voluntary groups across the county. He particularly thanked Mayo County Manager Peter Hynes, Director of Services John Coll, the Irish Sports Council and Minister of State for Sport and Tourism Michael Ring for their support in these challenging times.

“Much credit must go to the sports co-ordinator Charlie Lambert and his staff for continually delivering high quality participation programmes and working with local agencies and all sections of society, “ Cllr Kenny added.

The Sports Partnership can be contacted at 094 904 7025 or e-mail: [email protected] .


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