Know your mind, free yourself

Under immense pressure, many people in modern society are feeling overwhelmed, stuck, confused, and worried. Registered therapist Amanda Walsh, based in Castlebar, comments on the importance of normalising psychological therapy in Irish society. “What happens in the mind is vital to contentment, health, and wellbeing. This is where the therapy can help. Therapy aids one in developing tools and resources for dealing with life’s challenges. I believe it is vital to highlight for all, that the areas of stress, anxiety, and anger; panic attacks; sleep difficulties; social anxiety; habits; fears and phobias, can be effectively overcome in a relatively short space of time with long-term gains.”

Undoubtedly, learning skills and strategies to reduce worry and stress, increasing coping ability are valuable life skills. Amanda Walsh goes on to note that “a substantial proportion of people are not necessarily aware that help, support, and guidance are available. Raising awareness and demystifying psychological therapy is crucial in Irish society. Although it may feel difficult to take that first step, therapy can offer the chance to overcome difficulties, enhancing life and well-being.”

Using evidence-based therapeutic techniques, Amanda Walsh empowers clients, aiding one in discovering inner strengths, developing and strengthening psychological resilience. An approachable, empathetic, therapist she provides a professional and confidential therapy service.  

Imagine what your life might be like having overcome the challenge or difficulty you are experiencing. That is worth investing in.

Contact Amanda Walsh on 083 414 7013 or visit


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