Man who stole from hospital now studying nursing

An intoxicated man who stole items from a hospital on his way home from a night out was before Castlebar District Court this week after the case was adjourned for sentencing.

Evidence heard at the previous sitting outlined that Garda Michael Kelly was called to the Sacred Heart Hospital, Castlebar, on June 1 2010 after it was reported that a radio and grilling machine had been stolen from the kitchen of the hospital. CCTV identified Sean Jordan, 10 Greenfields, Castlebar (who now resides at 26 The Paddock, Westport ) as the culprit.

The defendant made a statement and brought the stolen property with him to the garda station.

The court heard that the defendant has been attending an addiction counsellor for his drinking since last year.

Judge Mary Devins adjourned the case to Wednesday’s sitting of the court. This week the court heard that in the intervening period the 26-year-old defendant has not come to garda attention, his alcohol consumption is under control, and he is now studying pre-nursing, with a hope to go on to study psychiatric nursing.

His solicitor told the court that Jordan is prepared to offer €200 by way of compensation to the nursing home.

Judge Mary Devins said that if the €200 was made available to the Sacred Heart Hospital that the Probation Act would be applied.


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