Women told court they stole nappies because they could not afford them

Two Castlebar women who pleaded guilty to theft of a packet of nappies each from SuperValu, New Antrim Street, Castlebar, were ordered to pay €15 each to the store this week in Castlebar District Court.

Garda Seamus Smith told the court that on November 16 2010 at 3.30pm Tina McDonnagh, 56 An Sruthan, Castlebar, and Ann McDonnagh, 27 Castlegrove, Castlebar, went into the SuperValu and both picked up a packet of nappies each valued at €12.24 and placed them on the bottom of the push chairs they had with them and walked out the door without paying for them. Garda Kelly told the court that both of the women were known to the management of the shop from previous incidents and there was CCTV footage identifying them.

Solicitor for both women Gary Mulchrone told the court that both of his clients had small children at the time and were in difficult relationships where they did not have any money of their own, and they only got money from their partners from time to time and could not afford the nappies, which their children needed, so they stole them. Judge Mary Devins gave both women the benefit of the Probation Act and ordered the pair to pay €15 compensation each to the shop.


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