Fine for motorist who borrowed friend’s car

A man stopped by gardaí while he was driving a friend’s car, and who failed to produce a certificate of insurance, received a fine at Ballyhaunis District Court this week.

Garda Emma Connelly told the court that she stopped a car being driven by Maciej Hyowiecki, 3 Cherryville, Ballyhaunis, on Abbey Street, Ballyhaunis, at 9.15pm on April 3 2010. He was not wearing a seat belt and she issued him with a fixed penalty notice. She also demanded the production of his certificate of insurance within 10 days, which he failed to produce.

Solicitor for Hyowiecki, Evan O’Dwyer, told the court that his client was pleading guilty and putting his hands up. He had borrowed the car from a friend who had gone home to Poland for the weekend.

Judge David Anderson convicted and fined Hyowiecki €500.


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