More than 6,000 training places for unemployed

A total of 6,589 training places have been created around the country under the Government‘s Labour Activation Fund, according to Minister for Labour Affairs and local Fianna Fáil TD, Dara Calleary.

This brings the number of places being provided by the Government this year to train and provide work experience for unemployed people to more than 160,000.

“The Government’s Labour Activation Fund is particularly targeted at the under-35 age group, those who became unemployed because of a rapid downturn in their industry of expertise, and the long-term unemployed,” Minister Calleary said. “A total of €20 million has been dedicated to the fund, which marks the first time the Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Innovation went to the private sector looking for tenders and submissions for suitable areas for training. The interest from companies exceeded our expectations and the proposals for training programmes covered a very wide spectrum of industries.”

Three quarters of the available places will be aimed at those with qualifications at or below Leaving Certificate level. For those with higher level qualifications wanting to re-skill, there is also an extensive range of courses on offer.

“The training ranges in issues such as ecotourism, career guidance, biomass and wood energy, and e-business training. Other courses will be offered by the County Mayo VEC in areas such as tourism, energy, media, and aquaculture, and TBG Learning will also operate courses in Castlebar,” the Minister added.

Full details of courses are available from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation and will be advertised in local press.


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