Suspended sentence for heroin possession

A man from the Czech Republic, of Roma gypsy descent, who pleaded guilty to possession of €40 worth of heroin was given a four month suspended sentence at Claremorris District Court this week. Roman Zigmund with an address at 29 Lisbawn, Claremorris, pleaded guilty to the possession charge at a court hearing in September last year but the sentencing was adjourned until this week.

Solicitor for Zigmund, Mr Evan O’Dwyer, told the court that his client had stayed away from drugs since the incident and that he had since unsuccessfully tried to get himself into a rehabilitation programme. He said he is currently living with his 21-year-old daughter and her boyfriend in Claremorris. When asked by Judge Mary Devins what other drugs he took, Zigmund told her that he had never taken any other drugs. He said he only took heroin after he was introduced to it by a friend in Kerry when he was going through some family issues after his wife left him and moved to Mayo with his children. Judge Devins imposed a four month prison sentence suspended for 12 months.


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