More than a thousand farmers still waiting for REPS 4 payments

Only 72 Mayo farmers have received their REPS 4 payments in the past month leaving 1,204 farmers in the county still without their money. The situation has been described as “unacceptable” by Deputy John O’Mahony who has had this information supplied to him.

Dep O’Mahony is now calling on the Minister for Agriculture, Brendan Smith TD, to immediately take personal responsibility for the critical situation that so many farmers are finding themselves in over his Department’s failure to pay out on REPS 4.

“In December the Minister informed me that payments would be made before Christmas and this did not happen. Three week ago the Minister told me in the Dáil that the applications were being processed, but in that time just under 300 farmer have been paid. That leaves 1,204 farmers in Mayo high and dry at a time when there is a crisis in farming and the very future of the industry is being threatened,” he said.

Dep O’Mahony said farmers are struggling to make ends meet and many have decided that enough is enough and they have walked away from it all. “Those that are staying with farming are at their wits’ end to make repayments on loans that they took out on the strength of the REPS 4 grant. It’s a ridiculous situation for them to find themselves in and one that was totally avoidable if the Minister was doing his job properly,” he said.


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