Local author talks fitness on RTÉ Radio

Local author, Joan Geraghty, was a guest on the Derek Mooney show on RTÉ Radio 1 last week after being invited on to speak about her new book, Fit For Success.

Joan, who became a marathon runner after taking up running three years ago, said that for people to make a lifestyle change in regard to health and fitness, there usually needed to be some kind of trigger in the first place. “They have to want to change first of all. It can be something as simple as a holiday snap that makes you want to improve your look or just a comment from somebody or a reflection of yourself that makes you realise, I don’t like myself the way I am, I want to look better than I do now and I don‘t want to give up on myself the way I am now.”

Aonghus McAnally, standing in for Derek Mooney, commented that Joan looked every inch the picture of health after dedicating herself to a solid fitness regime over the last three years and recommended her book as a must-read for anyone interested in getting fit and healthy.

James Murphy, one of the Galway tenors and a triathlon athlete who features in Fit For Success, told Aonghus that getting into fitness had helped him enormously in building up his successful health food company, Lifes2good.

“It’s become an integral part of my whole life. Once you start to get in to triathlons or as strict a regime as that, you find yourself still training even in the off-season, so it’s a permanent lifestyle programme. I am now much fitter. I’ve lost any excess weight whatsoever. For business it’s fantastic because it keeps you alert. The fitter you are the more alert you are, the better you sleep, the better your focus is in work. It’s something I’d like to keep going for as long as I can,” he said, adding that a 72-year old participant in one event had become his latest role model.

A number of other inspiring business people also feature in Fit For Success, published by Currach Press, which is now on sale in book shops nationwide. A recording of Joan’s interview on the Derek Mooney Show can be listened to on the June issue of her on-line magazine at www.fitnessjunkie.ie


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