Calleary welcomes appointment of Mary Robinson to High Level Reflection Group at Council of Europe

Mary Robinson

Mary Robinson

Fianna Fáil TD for Mayo, Dara Calleary, has welcomed the appointment of former President Mary Robinson as a member of a High Level Reflection Group at the Council of Europe.

Deputy Calleary, who is an Irish delegate to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE ) and who was in Strasbourg this week for a PACE plenary meeting, commented, "This is a wonderful honour for former President Mary Robinson. The group has made a tremendous appointment and the Council will benefit hugely from the Mayo woman’s wisdom and insight on matters ranging from human rights and gender equality to climate justice."

The Mayo TD added: "I’m sure the good people of Mayo, and in particular Ballina, will join me in congratulating former President Mary Robinson on her appointment."

The Irish Presidency of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers began on 20 May and runs to mid-November. Further details are available on


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