Dillon welcomes deadline extension for Sports Capital and Equipment Programme

Fine Gael Spokesperson on Tourism and Sport, Alan Dillon, TD, has welcomed the extension of the deadline for applications to the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme.

The deadline has now been extended from mid-February to 5pm on Monday, March 1. At least €40 Million will be made available to sporting clubs and associations around the country under the current round of funding.

The quality of applications from Mayo sporting bodies has always resulted in a significant portion of funds benefitting the county.

Deputy Dillon said: "I welcome the deadline for applications under the Sports Capital Programme being extended to Mon, 1st March 2020.

"I had recently been contacted by a number of clubs around Mayo who were going to find it difficult to submit high-quality applications as a result of the Christmas break combined the increased Covid restrictions.

"There can be significant amounts of legal documentation and written agreements to be gathered by clubs, which we all know can be a lengthy process.

"The new March deadline has provided some breathing room to applicants who were going to find it difficult to achieve the original mid-February deadline."

Applications under the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme can be made via www.sportscapitalprogramme.ie


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