Callan faces further wait for discount supermarket chain

Aldi face a further wait to see if they can open in Callan after the decision to allow the German supermarket giants to open a store in the town was appealed to An Bord Pleanala.

Like Tesco before it, the discount food chain, which has two stores in Kilkenny city, has faced a long battle to open a store in the south Kilkenny town.

Kilkenny County Council originally granted permission for an Aldi store in Callan in 2009 but that decision was overturned by the planning appeals board, contravening the recommendation of their own inspector.

An Bord Pleanala overturned the initial grant on the grounds the site was not suitable and it would impact adversely on the town.

Permission for a store on a new site in the town, on West Street and Chapel Lane, was sought in April this year and Kilkenny County Council once again granted permission for the development.

As expected, that decision has once again been appealed, although supporters of Aldi are hopeful that they will find favour with the planning board on this occasion.

The council's decision to grant permission has been appealed by two parties, Rgdata and Linda Cahill.

On their website, Rgdata is described as 'the representative body for the Independent Retail Grocery sector in Ireland' with the 'aim and objective to provide support for independent family grocers'.

In a submission to the county council in response to Aldi's most recent application, Rgdata suggested the site was 'detached from the existing core of the town' and suggested the old Co-op building on Green Street as a vacant site which may prove more suitable.

Linda Cahill, c/o Coleman Cutter and Company consulting engineers, made a submission suggesting that the development would have a negative visual impact on the town, which is designated as an Architectural Conservation Area.

The proposed Aldi store would consist of a single storey discount foodstore with an off-licence, signage and a street level car park with 85 parking spaces, with an entrance on West Street and entrance/exit on Chapel Lane.

According to the council's retail impact statement, "the site is within 300 metres walking distance of the main street, Green Street, Callan, and can be considered an edge of centre site."

The site is zoned for 'general business' in the Callan local area plan and in the county's retail strategy the town is recognised as the third largest retail centre in Kilkenny.

“Its role as a market centre for its hinterland is indicated by the extension of SuperValu. Several independent retailers provide other convenience shopping,” the council reports.

A decision from An Bord Pleanala is expected at the end of February next year.


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