Kilkenny Archives Ltd recently reported on their work in progress for the period 1998 to date.
The work of the company has been hindered over the past few years by lack of headquarters and a storage facility for papers .This difficulty was recently overcome when agreement was reached with the President of St Kieran’s College Monsignor Kieron Kennedy to provide accommodation for the archive papers at the Outreach Third Level Education Centre and will be accessible for students of the centre and also by arrangement, to the general public.
The committee is now inviting further bequests of papers from the houses and businesses of Kilkenny city and the immediate region with the assurance that they will be in the care of a professional archivist who will guarantee secure and accessioned system of storage.
An invitation is issued to the general public interested in viewing these papers at St Kieran’s College.
Appointments should be made with consultant archivist John Kirwan tel 085 – 7484291.
Representatives of the committee recently met with the Strategic Policy Committee of Kilkenny County Council where the history and objectives of Kilkenny Archives were outlined .
The committee membership at present is Julia and Richard Crampton, Ann Tierney, Nicholas Mosse, Peter Seaver, Brendan Conway, Rev Fergus O Farrell, John Kirwan, (Consultant Archivist. )