How to get your toddler to eat more vegetables

It can be a daily struggle trying to get your toddler to eat vegetables, and for some a nightmare. Do you know that your toddler (age one to three years ) needs up to four portions fruit and veg a day (one portion is one banana, or 2tbsp cooked veg ). 

Here are some tips to help you meet your toddler's four-a-day.

Grate carrots and courgette into the sauce when making their favourite spaghetti bolognaise dish. The grated veg softens and goes unnoticed.

Make home-made vegetable soups irresistible by adding ‘sweet’ vegetables such as sweet potato, red and yellow peppers, butternut squash, and pumpkin.

Green smoothies: These are always a hit, made using spinach, kale, or bok-choy, blended with banana, natural yoghurt, and frozen berries.

Green smoothies can be frozen in summertime for a delicious veggie ice-pop.

Add vegetables to your baking. You can easily disguise beetroot, steamed broccoli, sweet potato, inside little muffins.

Eggs and veg make a tasty combo: Make a vegetable filled omelette/frittata/egg muffins, using tomatoes, spinach, peppers, kale, sweet potatoes, and any other chopped up veg you can imagine.

Increase taste by not always boiling vegetables. Steam, stir-fry, and roast using tasty healthy oils such as coconut or rapeseed.

Make a creamy white sauce by blending cooked cauliflower with almond milk, and use for lasagne or to pour over vegetables.

Toddlers like control/choice, so instead of saying ‘you have to eat this broccoli’, ask, ‘would you like to try the broccoli or courgette today?’

This information has been brought to you by nutritional therapist and College of Naturopathic Medicine graduate Donna Walsh. If you would like to find out how you can train at CNM Galway for an exciting new career in naturopathic nutrition, join one of the free open evenings which take place at the Galway Business School, Salthill, from 7pm. To find out more and to reserve your free place online visit


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