Bike scheme needs to be extended to more student populated areas, says Nolan

Galway West TD, Derek Nolan has called for the Galway Bike Scheme to be extended to a number of additional locations across the city that would help increase the number of students using the service.

Speaking yesterday, Deputy Nolan has stated that it is clear that the bike scheme is having a very positive impact across the city with recent figures indicating that over 1,800 people having signed up for the bike scheme since it was launched last November.

“At present the bike scheme in Galway consists of 195 bikes distributed across 15 stations in locations around the city. The National Transport Authority has indicated that they are considering the possibility of extending the number to 19 with the creation of four new stations. I fully support this proposal and have written to the NTA asking that they consider a number of locations where I feel a new station could be most beneficial.

Del Nolan has now called on the NTA to examine the possibility of extending stations to locations in Salthill, Westside, the Dangan Playing Fields and close to the GMIT campus on the Dublin Road.

“Recent statistics indicate that the stations on Father Burke Road and the Cathedral are the most popular. The fact that these stations are located in close proximity to both the GTI and NUIG would indicate the popularity of the scheme with young people and, in particular, students. It is for this reason that I have asked the NTA to consider these four locations as they are all areas where students either reside in or travel to on a daily basis. 

He said that the inclusion of additional stations will ensure the expansion of the scheme and would also provide students with a convenient mode of transport.


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