Embrace the outdoors with Outback Jacks

Outback Jacks is a new outdoor store independently and locally owned for people who love outdoor gear and active wear. Outback Jacks provides individuals and families the education, products and shopping experience to enjoy a healthier lifestyle in the Outback. You no longer need to travel to Galway City Centre for outdoor lifestyle brands such as Helly Hansen, Jack Wolfskin, Regatta, Dare2B.

Free onsite parking ensures bigger savings with no car parking fees.

Other outdoor products coming into stock in the coming weeks are camping brands Vango & Coleman along with Campervan/caravan chemical supplies and fishing tackle.

Ladies, gents and kids clothing and footwear are all stocked at Outback Jacks. New winter footwear products are Helly Hansens waterproof/Breathable runners for Ladies and Gents.

Staff at Outback Jacks have recently received training in technical fabrics for clothing and footwear from German manufacturer Jack Wolfskin who visited the store. Jack Wolfskin is a premium German producer of outdoor wear and equipment. Their products include mountain and leisure clothing, footwear, rucksacks, sleeping bags and tents.

Outback Jacks offer a large range of mobile Solar power technologies including:

— Solar powered rucksacks for charging your smart devices on the move.

— Pocket/handbag sized emergency phone chargers, no need for mains power.

— Mobile solar panel charging and battery kits for people travelling to remote locations who need to charge phones, GPS, tablets and laptops without electricity.

— Going skiing or beach holiday, Outback Jacks offers Waterproof, Sandproof, Snowproof Smartphone & Ipad cases guaranteed to a depth of 19 ft max 30 mins.

The Outback Jacks Physical Injury Massage Clinic is located within the new shop. The treatment room is spacious, bright and with a modern finish offering clients a secure and relaxing environment for treatments. Some of the treatments available include Soft tissue release, remedial massage, dry needling and injury rehabilitation. Special Outback Jacks promotion this Fri, Sat and Sun is a free consultation and massage treatment in our Massage Clinic. Book now!

Christmas Club is now open and deposits are being taken on all items for Christmas, items can be paid for weekly right up to Christmas Eve.

Outback Jacks is open seven days a week till Xmas Mon - Sat 9-6pm / Sun 1pm - 6pm. Ph 091 761841


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