A Few Good Men

YOU CAN’T handle the truth!” For years after the 1992 film version, Jack Nicholson’s declaration during A Few Good Men’s climatic courtroom scene became one of the catch-phrases of the decade.

This month, the original stage play by Aaron Sorkin, on which the film was based, also called A Few Good Men, comes to the Town Hall Theatre from Thursday August 21 to Saturday 23 at 8pm.

A group of military lawyers at a court-martial uncover a high-level conspiracy in the course of defending their clients - United States marines who have been accused of murder. Sorkin was inspired to write the play following a conversation with his sister Deborah, who was going to the now notorious Guantanamo Bay naval base to defend a group of marines who had come close to killing a fellow marine in a hazing ordered by a superior officer.

The production coming to the Town Hall will be staged by US company Keegan Theatre. The American run enjoyed critical acclaim with The Washington Post calling it “superb theatre, wonderful performances”.

Tickets are available from the Town Hall on 091 - 569777 or www.tht.ie


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