Galway non-profit groups encouraged to apply for grants

Non-profit groups in Galway are being encouraged by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny to apply for grants under the Coca-Cola Thank You Fund.

A total of 11 individual grants is available - one main grant of €25,000 for the overall winner of the fund, and 10 other grants which will receive €10,000 each.

The fund support projects that take an innovative approach to encouraging communities to lead more balanced, healthy, and active lifestyles. Sports clubs, community groups and other non-profit organisations located across Ireland are eligible to apply.

“I would encourage sports clubs, dance groups, and other local projects involved in healthy, active pursuits to apply to the Coca-Cola Thank You Fund,” said the Taoiseach. “In this way they can finance activities which will benefit their communities by promoting exercise and better health.”

The fund’s closing date has been extended until Wednesday July 31 and applications are to be made through


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