All sides call on Galway public to register to vote

Both sides in the EU Fiscal Treaty debate are calling on the Galway public to make sure they are registered to vote on the EU Fiscal Treaty referendum which will be held on May 31.

The deadline for the general supplementary electoral register is on Monday May 14. Voters can check their details on the register in all local authority offices, post offices, Garda stations, and public libraries.

Labour city councillor Niall McNelis said it is “important that people check the register to make sure their details are correct”, particularly those who have recently changed address.

“I am especially calling on all those who have recently turned 18, and others who are eligible to vote but have not voted before, to get on the register so that their views can count on May 31,” he said.

Occupy Galway is also encouraging the public to vote and voter registration and change of address forms along with information on the treaty will be available at the camp in Eyre Square in the run up to the vote.

While both sides agree on the importance of registering to vote, both differ on the merits of the treaty. Cllr McNelis is calling for a Yes vote.

“The Stability Treaty is essentially about offering stability to our currency and ensuring that we have access to vital funds, should we need it,” he said. “For this reason I am urging people to get behind Ireland’s recovery and vote Yes for stability on May 31.”

However Occupy Galway is calling for a No vote and is calling on anyone who would like to get involved with door to door leafleting. A stall will be operating on Shop Street every Saturday from 12 noon until 2pm in the run up to the referendum. The Occupy Galway camp is open every day from 10am to 10pM. See or


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