New foundation to remember tragic young Gort mother and teacher to be launched next month

Aged just 36 and a mother of three young children, Gort woman and city teacher Ciara Grehan died suddenly on November 11, 2010. In a few weeks time, her memory will be celebrated with the launch of a foundation to benefit children with special needs.

On May 6, The Ciara Grehan Foundation will be launched when the Boyle Charity Duathlon is run in aid of the foundation and in association with Ability West. The event will include a 5km run, 20km cycle and a 2.5km sprint finish around the beautiful setting of Lough Key Forest Park in Boyle. There will also be a family day for all to coincide with the duathlon.

The idea for the foundation began following the sudden and shocking death of Ciara Grehan Kennedy in 2010. As well as being a mother Ciara also worked as a Special Needs teacher in Galway city.

In 2003 her first son Jack was born with Down Syndrome and a rare chromosomal abnormality. It seemed as if Jack was very lucky to be born to a mother like Ciara and she felt very blessed to have a child as special as Jack. A unique bond was formed and Ciara worked tirelessly in the years ahead to ensure that Jack and children like him had all the developmental and educational opportunities possible.

The overall goal of this foundation is to provide a fund which can supplement the most immediate needs of groups which work to support children with Special Needs in the West of Ireland.

These needs may be medical, developmental or educational. Currently, Government funding does not come close to covering the many and varied needs that these children have but through The Ciara Grehan Foundation, her family and friends hope to make a meaningful contribution to those in the West of Ireland.

It is a fitting way to honour Ciara’s memory as well as providing much needed help to parents, carers and children who will benefit from this initiative.

So, whether you are an experienced triathlete, a beginner, or just want to have a great day out supporting a wonderful cause, Boyle is the place to be at 12 noon on May 6.

For more information go to or contact Dave Grehan on 086 0889125.


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