Take the cooler route to a new fridge

A new fridge is a major investment, and not one to be taken lightly. With so many models and features now available, finding the fridge that's right for you and your family requires some planning and a good deal of shopping around.

World class fridge designer Amana offers the following advice to choosing the most efficient fridge freezer for your family.


One key factor when choosing a new fridge is to consider the allocated space and be careful not to choose a model larger then the space available for it. Also remember to allow for a ventilation gap around the appliance.

Energy efficient

Fridges use more energy than any other kitchen appliance as they are kept running 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. When buying a new refrigerator system check the energy rating. The A to G scale shows the energy efficiency of this product, where A is the most efficient and G the least efficient. Consumers are advised to purchase the most efficient model possible, eg, A or B rated, which may cost more to buy but will cost less in the long run.


How much space will you need to store your food? A family of four, for example, needs around 540 to 620 litres of storage space. Consider space required for drinks, frozen food, salad drawers, etc.


Integrated appliances will give your kitchen the streamlined, sleek, look, but if you decide to follow this trend you need to have your kitchen designed with your chosen appliances in mind. Careful measuring is very important here.

Temperature controls

One control for the entire system may be easier to use, but an electronic control adjustment system allows for quick and accurate temperature adjustment for total control over both the refrigeration and the freezer area.


Ensure your appliance comes with full warranty. Find out what is covered in the warranty and if the warranty is included in the purchase price or if it is an additional cost.

Additional features

Once you have considered your basic needs, there are lots more additional features to look for:

• Salad crisper: Help to cut down on food waste by maximising the shelf life of all your refrigerated fresh fruit and vegetables.

• Dairy compartment: A designated section for butter, cheese, and other dairy products to avoid cross contamination with other foods.

• Ice and water dispenser: Supplies chilled filtered water and ice on demand, without opening the doors and allowing cold air to escape.

• Beverage chiller: Takes air directly from the freezer compartment for rapid cooling and lower storage temperature, without affecting other food.

• Split slide-out glass shelves: A highly versatile concept that makes it easy to store items of varying heights in the main refrigerator area, with shelves that pull out for easy access to items at the back.

Amana allows you to create the ultimate design statement in your home with the world’s most desirable refrigerator, shaped to reflect your own sense of style. Introduced to the Irish market in 2008, the elite Amana collection allows you to create an individual work of art in your own home.


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