Consent to bail granted to men charged with dealing more than €60,000 of cannabis

Two men charged with possession of more than €60,000 worth of cannabis with intent to sell and supply have been remanded in custody with consent to bail.

David Wilson (21 ) with an address at 71 Baile an Choiste, Headford Road, was brought before Judge Mary Fahy on Monday charged with two counts of possession of cannabis and two counts of possession of cannabis with intent to sell or supply at Dublin Road, Murrough, Galway, and at Castlelawn Heights, Headford Road, on December 6, 2010. Co-accused Alan Ward (26 ) with an address at 46 St Finbarr’s Terrace, Bohermore, was also brought before Galway District Court charged with one count of possession of cannabis and one count of possession of cannabis with intent to sell or supply at City Limits, Oranmore Business Park, on December 6, 2010.

The court heard that Wilson had first been brought before the court on December 8 last where it was revealed that he had been charged in relation to the seizure of cannabis worth in the region of €72,000. Inspector Ernie White said that the objection to bail still stands because of the seriousness of the offence. Arresting Garda Noel McNulty also objected to bail on the grounds that the accused could be a flight risk.

Defence solicitor Olivia Traynor said that when her client appeared in court last he had lost his residence and had not been in a position to take up bai. However, Wilson’s mother has been put forward as bailsperson and he would be able to reside with her and abide by the conditions set by the court.

In response Judge Fahy warned that “in view of the amount”of the drugs the bail set would be significant. She then remanded Wilson in custody to December 22 with consent to bail of his own bond of €1,000, one half to be lodged, and independent surety of €10,000, one half to be lodged, to be approved by the court within 48 hours notice and provided by a bailsperson without a criminal record. Other conditions of bail include that Wilson hand over his passport to the State, not apply for other travel documents or leave the State until the matter has concluded, sign on at Galway Garda Station twice a week between 9am and 9pm, have no contact with the co-accused, and to reside with his mother.

In the case of Ward Detective Garda Cathal Rodgers objected to bail being granted because of the seriousness of the offence, which involved cannabis to the value of around €60,000 in relation to this accused. Det Garda Rodgers added that he believed Ward would also be a flight risk.

Defence solicitor Sean Acton said that his client would not leave the State as he is a settled married man with two children.

Inspector White then told Judge Fahy that Ward was in a greater financial position than his co-accused and that a larger bail amount would be needed.

After consideration Judge Fahy also remanded Ward in custody with consent to bail on his own bond of €5,000, one half to be lodged, and independent surety of €20,000, one half to be lodged, in cash and to be approved by the court within 48 hours notice and the bailsperson to have no previous convictions. Other bail conditions included that Ward sign on at Galway Garda Station twice a week between 9am and 9pm, reside at his home address, surrender his passport before taking up bail, not apply for further travel documents, that he not travel outside the State, and have no contact with the co-accused.


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