Falls in Live Register numbers

The number of people on the Live Register has fallen for the second consecutive month in a row, with the west showing the second largest decrease, a development which has been welcomed by Minister for Social Protection Eamon Ó Cuív.

The lastest Live Register figures, published yesterday by the Central Statistics Office (CSO ) show that nationally there was an unadjusted monthly decrease of 12,864 or -2.9 per cent, for October 2010, bringing the total to 429,553. The decrease was reflected in all of the eight regions with the largest percentage decrease in Dublin (-4.7 per cent ). This was followed by the west region which recorded a percentage decrease of -3.2 per cent, dropping from 40,667 in September to 39,351 in October. The smallest decrease was in the midland region (-1.4 per cent ).

Commenting on the latest figures Minister Ó Cuív said the tax returns published on Tuesday and yesterday’s Live Register figures “show signs that despite the challenges we face our economy is stablising”. However, he added that the high rate of unemployment was still a “great concern” and that the Government was committeed to getting people back to work and into employment.

“The protection and creation of jobs is our key priority... It is also worth noting that the Live Register includes those who have employment, albeit on a part time basis, and receive a payment from my Department for part of the week. These account for just over 63,000 people on the Live Register. The number of people on the Live Register who actually receive a jobseeker’s payment for a full week is 278,855. Over 25,000 people on the register are signing for PRSI credits only.”

At time of going to press there were no October figures available for Galway social welfare offices, however previously published figures show that in September 2009 there were 24,089 on the register for Galway County. The number fluctuated during the preceeding months but then grew to 24,289 in June, to 25,221 in July, and 25,389 in August, 2010.


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