Celebrate solstice at Brigit’s Garden

Galwegians can celebrate the summer solstice at a special fire spectacular at Brigit’s Garden on Saturday.

Entitled Splanc - the Irish word meaning spark - the celebrations will include ceremonial torch lighting, fire-dancers, and a solstice bonfire.

Organisers at Brigit’s Garden say the event is a celebration of the solstice with a modern spin on the ancient Celtic festival and the bonfire traditions of St John’s Eve.

The evening kicks off at 7.30pm with a DJ spinning world music in the Hazel room. Visitors are invited to ‘go tribal’ and join in drumming led by Anet Moore in the big tent in the gardens. The drumming will be followed by a ceremonial torch lighting and procession through the gardens with pageantry provided by fire dancers, drummers and costumed performers, culminating in the blaze of the solstice bonfire.

Visitors will be asked to join in and become an interactive part of the celebration, and to come in costume if they wish.

A food and wine bar will be open throughout.

The cost is€14 for adults or €35 for a family of five. The concession rate is €10 and children are €7. Tickets available at the door.

All proceeds benefit Brigit’s Garden, a not-for-profit project.


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